Sunday 31 January 2010

On Reviving My Blog

Yesterday morning I sent someone on twitter a link to one of my previous posts on this blog. In order to obtain the link I looked at my poor neglected blog for the first time in many weeks and was rather shocked to discover that I hadn’t posted anything since early December last year.

So I thought it was about time to remedy that situation and to revive my poor ailing blog before it expires completely. I also thought it might be a good opportunity to apologize to you all for the lack of recent posts and to explain that lack.

Those of you who know me well will have noticed that posts have almost dried up since I wrote “On Holes and Ladders” back in October, and will, rightly, have guessed that my mental health has been unsteady again. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, it was discussed in two previous posts: “On The Big One” and “On Being A Bit Bonkers”.

So I’ve been trying to hold things together, trying very hard to get myself back to work (I was off for almost the whole of October and November) and trying to stay medication free.

I haven’t actually succeeded at either of these objectives. Although I went back to work in December, I am now signed off again, although hoping to return soon. I’ve also had to go back on medication, currently Venlafaxine, if you’re interested, although it looks like that may well change as the result of finally being formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I’ve written a little about this as part of my blipfoto journal – you can read the relevant posts here and here.

I have managed, so far, to maintain my “ViolaMaths” blipfoto journal and also my listening diary “A Year With My Ears” although my listening has been somewhat patchy recently, and posts are not updated as regularly as they used to be.

I’m hoping that this will change and my health will now start to improve again as I get appropriate medication sorted out. I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to start writing for this blog again – it’s something I enjoy and I’ve been delighted with the feedback I’ve received on previous posts.

There have been positive things going on in the last few months too. I’ve managed, just, to maintain an online life on facebook, although I’m conscious that I haven’t responded to some of the lovely messages people have sent me on there – I shall as soon as I am able. I’ve also made some lovely and very generous friends on Twitter (one of whom has been particularly generous to me recently and enhanced my life no end). In addition, I have a new “real world” friend whose company I enjoy very much, and, of course, the Wonderspouse continues to take care of his batty wife in his ever loving and patient way!

So this is the first post of 2010, even though we are now at the end of January. I hope there will be more posts to come and life will finally become less of a battle than it has been recently. Fingers crossed!